Dan’s Musings a Month in

Well we have now been on the bus for 4 weeks! I can’t believe it. I’m writing this in the back of a Chinese bodega, where they have a laundry facility, in Chinatown in Philly. I never thought I’d be here, but man it’s been fun exploring this town. This past week was Kaden’s first at his “camp.” We cannot believe how much he is excelling, and how much he enjoys this camp! He wraps up his first “semester” this week. We have a week break, and are heading to NYC next week, then he’ll have his last 2 week semester July 15th-26th. Walker is currently doing a camp at the Seaport. Yesterday he sailed the Delaware River. So much history in this town. Here are a few of my thoughts, hope you enjoy…

…Philly has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to historical landmarks and museums. Sadly though, the city only seems to invest in the few centered around Independence Hall. We took the boys to the Please Touch Museum (was pretty cool, but we got in with a discounted ticket. WOULD NOT PAY FULL PRICE), with some friends we met through Kaden’s program. The area where the Museum is at was the host of our first centennial celebration as a country. It’s a gorgeous area, that is no longer maintained. There is a tribute arch to the Civil War (War of Norther Aggression for you southerners) that is absolutely phenomenal. It is called the “Smith Memorial Arch“, very well built, and was breathtaking in its heyday, but it hasn’t been cleaned or polished in decades. There is also a memorial fountain, didn’t catch the name, that is in such bad shape that there is grass growing out of the middle. Come on Philly, you were entrusted with these memorials, the least you could do is pressure wash them…

…Walker is a ladies man, and I don’t know where he gets it. We met a couple of ladies at a winery, as it was a packed house, we offered to let them sit with Jennifer and I while the boys played. Well Walker took a liking to one of them and hit her with this line. “How old are you?” she replied “How old do you think I am” (Ladies do not ask a sub 10 year old this question if your feelings are fragile.) Walker responds with this gem “I’d guess 30, but you look 18.” SAY WHAT DUDE! oh but then he throws this one out there to reel her in “But I wish you were 8!” hahahahahaah. Needless to say he was smitten….

…Yankees got a pass last week, but dang they are rude! Their real colors are beginning to shine through, and I’m ready for some southern hospitality. I was crossing a 6 lane road, in the cross walk, and I had the light. A “gentleman” in the far right lane, with a red light, decided he needed to do a U-turn across all 6 lanes of traffic. He needed to lay on the horn, because I was obviously in his way. Dude you have a red light, doing an illegal U-turn, no need to be a jerk about it…

…I didn’t realize how moving it would be to be in Philly. It has really opened my eyes to what our forefathers were fighting for. And not just “forefathers” in the generic sense, but I have two great grandfathers on my mom’s side that were involved at the grassroots level. Daniel Brodhead III and his son Daniel Brodhead IV. Quatro as I call him, was actually a BVT Brigadier General in the Continental Army. He served and worked right on these hallowed grounds we are walking on…

…Philly is a must do for the 4th of July. Put it on your bucket list. Here’s a tip, check out the convention center hotels for deals the week of the 4th, as no one is hosting a convention that week. This city has a weeks worth of events. Sunday night was Gospel night at Independence Hall. Last night was the Army Band, and an amazing fireworks show. Today Jen and I are going to the free WaWa Hoagie Day (this is a huge deal to you not near a WaWa). And there is so much more the rest of the week, and its all FREE, just like you and me!…

…First washing machine is done, hold on while I flip it to the dryer..

…Alright, I’m back, but only have 15 minutes left…

…Kaden is maybe the funniest person I know. I think not being able to fully communicate verbally, has raised his mannerism capability to another level. You have to be paying attention, because they fly by, but that dude cracks me up constantly…

…I’m really looking forward to NYC next week. Get to see the Big Apple! Any recommendations on things off the beaten path we should check out?…

…text Jen at 912.270.1511 and tell her what your favorite summer time activity is! haha…

….We had some friends from SSI come through town yesterday, it was awesome to have a touch of home. Thanks Steve and Susan…

…Happy Anniversary Drew and Rachele, can’t believe it’s been 14 years already, oh and happy Birthday Jillian!…

…We are immersing ourselves in Philadelphia. We’ve taken a few trains, buses, and subways; but for the most part we are hoofing it. We have walked through parts of town that we probably shouldn’t have, but it has opened our eyes to the whole city. Hopefully as we travel in the future, we can remember to explore the areas that look a little intimidating…

…We have seen God moving greatly this week in our lives, God’s Plan is shaping up to be pretty awesome….

…speaking of hoofing it, Jen and I are walking at least 10 miles a day. We hope to incorporate walking to get to places more into our routine when we return to “real life”. It’s better for the environment, better for our physical and mental health, and it makes the trip a journey and not 30 seconds in the car…

…I’m going to start writing more! I have some writings from my great grandfather on my Dad’s side, and I’m going to take those stories and expound upon them. My goal is to start pushing one out a week on Friday’s. If you don’t see one this Friday, call me out…

Well the laundry isn’t quite done, but I think I’ve run out of things to say; shocking I know. Until next time my friends, remember, Own Less, Live More.

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