Playgrounds of the USA : part 2

Kaden & Walker are back sharing their favorite playgrounds of the summer!

Sometimes when it rains for days and is so cold in June in upstate New York (Rochester) you find an indoor playground! In this case it was a whole museum called “The Strong Museum” lots of fun inside! Kids activities galore!

When you’re just on a journey and can stop anytime you want to just explore and look out the windows! When you see something you want to do, just stop! Have you ever done this? Are we always focused on getting somewhere and not enjoying the journey. Just breathe and let your kids choose where to stop!

Sometimes it’s not a playground at all; you stop for it’s an old tractor and huge pig on the side of the road! Sure why not!! Kendall NY

Next up, water front on Lake Ontario park! What fun. If it was warmer we could have swam, but we were the lone visitors to the water and park but it was so quiet and beautiful! And don’t just stand and watch your kids play, join in on the fun! Hamlin Beach State Park.

Antique Automobile Club of America in Hershey… playgrounds come in all shapes and sizes… this is a fire truck playground! Simple, fun, climbing and using imagination!

Stay tuned… part 3 coming soon. Just today someone gave us a playground name to go visit! They saw a cool one in NYC and recommended it to us! We’ll be sure to make it by there!

As always, get out there and play! #goplaytoday #wildmeyers wants to hear from you about your favorite place to play!

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